Book Review: Smoke and Mirrors by Michael Faudet

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"The further we run away from out heart, the quicker we lose sight of who we really are."
            CHARACTERS: 8/10
            THE FEELS: 7.5/ 10
            ENTERTAINMENT: 8/ 10
PLOT: 7/ 10
Smoke & Mirrors is the third book from internationally bestselling poet Michael Faudet, author of Bitter Sweet Love and Dirty Pretty Things—both finalists in the 2016 and 2015 Goodreads Readers Choice Awards.

Michael Faudet’s latest book takes the reader on an emotionally charged journey, exploring the joys of falling madly in love and the melancholy world of the brokenhearted. Beautifully captured in poetry, prose, and short stories, Faudet's whimsical and sometimes erotic writing has captured the hearts and minds of thousands of readers from around the world.

This is probably one of the weirdly erotic but beautiful piece I have ever read in my entire life. This book will give you pain that squeezes the heart of your soul. Michael Faudet really knows how to catch the attention of the readers and screw them on every page of his book. This book is a collection of hope and hopes being shattered. A collection of smiles and smiles forced to make oneself to be okay. A collection of love and love abused and taken for granted.

This is a mature approach of what really love is and how far can a person go in the name of love. This book paints a picture that love can really move mountains and love can really break the mountains you once moved. This is a story forgiveness, hope, love and acceptance. This book really moved me and I really recommend all of you to read this.

"I received this copy from the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review" 

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