Book Review: An Absolutely Remarkable Thing (An Absolutely Remarkable Thing #1) by Hank Green

An Absolutely Remarkable Thing by Hank Green is a young adult contemporary with a mix of science fiction. The book was published last year under Dutton.

The story follows our main character April May and her group of young adult friends as they uncover the mystery of Carl, an unknown ten-foot-tall Transformer-like contraption wearing a Samurai suit. The Carls, yes, because they appear all over the world; are things humans have never seen before. April May was said to be the first to discover them in one of the streets in New York and eventually became a celebrity worldwide because of this.  The story follows how fame changed the life of our characters, the mysteries behind these Carls and bunch of more complicated consequences revolving around them.

Book Review: Red Sister (The Ancestor #1) by Mark Lawrence

I have been wanting to read this book for a very long time but I was not able to get into it quickly due to intimidation. A couple of months ago, I was not really into adult fiction, but after reading Mistborn by Brandon Sanderson, I was changed. So, this book was on my TBR list for a very long time. The physical copies are widely available in our local bookstore, it is just that I don't like reading these adult fiction thick books in a mass paperback version. But after a very long time, I decided to grab a copy and read it.

I have heard of a lot of good things about this one. This was hyped by the social medias and I saw plenty of vloggers in YouTube praising this one. That caught my attention. The hype definitely poisoned me. I was expecting a lot from this book. Unfortunately, it let me down. Why?

First, I do appreciate the characters. They were well planned and are full of personality. Definitely the protagonists are memorable. There were some characters that will just fade away in the background and I found it unbalanced. I found the book full of characters that it confused me big time. It really gave me a hard time grasping who is who while reading the first half of the book. I don't like to be confused while reading, it takes the fun away.

The next reason why i was disappointed is that the plot for me fell flat. I was expecting a giant mind blowing plot/s but this one gave me a tasteless experience. I have found the plot underwhelming and confusing also. It was all over the place. Towards the end I was waiting for something big to happen because of the build-up but, nothing was delivered. I finished the book unsatisfied and confused. Like, "That was it?", reaction.

Overall, I guess it was a good read but it definitely for me don't deserve the hype. I will be reading the second book of the series hoping I can get answers.

Book Binge Bazaar Cebu 2018/ Book Haul