Book Review: Steelheart (Reckoners #1) by Brandon Sanderson

“Don't just act because you can; act because it's the right thing to do. If you keep that in mind, you'll be all right.” 

            STORY: 7.3/10
            CHARACTERS: 7.1/10
            THE FEELS: 8.8/10
            ENTERTAINMENT: 8.9/ 10
PLOT: 7.5/10

Ten years ago, Calamity came. It was a burst in the sky that gave ordinary men and women extraordinary powers. The awed public started calling them Epics. But Epics are no friend of man. With incredible gifts came the desire to rule. And to rule man you must crush his will.
Nobody fights the Epics...nobody but the Reckoners. A shadowy group of ordinary humans, they spend their lives studying Epics, finding their weaknesses, and then assassinating them.
And David wants in. He wants Steelheart — the Epic who is said to be invincible. The Epic who killed David's father. For years, like the Reckoners, David's been studying, and planning — and he has something they need. Not an object, but an experience.
He's seen Steelheart bleed. And he wants revenge
This is the first book I have read from the author. I have been planning for weeks now to read one of Brandon Sandersons' book and I prioritized to start with his Mistborn series. Unfortunately, I don't have a physical copy of the books and all I have from the author are his stand-alon, Warbreaker and the first book of the Reckoners trilogy, Steelheart.

Reading Progress:
February 3, 2018 – Finished Reading
February 2, 2018 –
page 185

 47.93% ""Don't act because you can;act because it is the right thing to do. If you keep that in mind, you will be alright." Love this line!"
February 1, 2018 –
page 121

 31.35% "I find the characters not well defined. I hope the authors saves this before this book ends."
January 31, 2018 –
page 56

 14.51% "This is interesting, I can feel an X-Men vibe."
January 31, 2018 – Started Reading
January 1, 2018 – Shelved as: to-read
           January 1, 2018 – Shelved

I have high expectations on the author and not on this book. I actually dived to this one without knowing anything aside from the fact that the main characters seeks vengeance to the death of his father. This expectations were not meant. I was not that impressed. I might have a different standard--but I just really found it hard to enjoy the book.

The characters for me were week and was so forced. They totally lack refinement and I really hated the way they used "Slontz" and "Calamity" when they swear. The characters (not all but most) were not likable and not memorable. They were so poorly defined that I really had a hard time connecting to them. The potential was there but I think the author just lack an extra mile of doing something to the characters that could have made them special.

The writing style was not for me. If this is how the author writes his other crafts-- I will surely not going to be a fan of him. I found the writing style very weak and distracting. I just can't really get a hang to it for more than thirty pages. I found the writing style a little bit confusing and weird. I don't know. It was not bad. It was not good, but at the end of the day-- I did not enjoy reading the book because of the writing style.

The plot was all over the place. It was very ambitious and was executed averagely. The potential was there but again the execution failed. I really found the plot so mess up that I found myself at the middle of the book "wanting to stop reading it". I guess this book was not really for me. It was so hard to read and it gave me headaches.

I get where the author wants the book to go but I felt that it lost its way getting there. I appreciate the boldness of the plot and the ambition of the story but the other elements that make the book really really good was not that good that we cannot ignore easily. I was entertained but it was an enjoyment that is short-lived most of the time because of the writing style. I have the second book already on my shelf and I am planning to get the third one (for collection purposes). I will still read them though--- but not on my top priority list.

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